I've been fielding a lot of questions lately about why our program is so inexpensive?
How can someone complete the material in only 8 weeks?
Here are a few facts that may help you sort things out and give you a clearer understanding of my philosophy and values, as the owner of Clinical Cognitive.
I truly believe in Measure 109's vision for equitable access to psilocybin services. I believe that financially accessible tuition means equity so that not only the wealthy can afford tuition. This allows a broader spectrum of our community to get education and begin careers as facilitators, supporting those who need or want psilocybin services in Oregon.
All facilitator schools must comply with the mandatory curriculum requirements from Oregon Health Authority and all programs are roughly the same number of hours. Oregon Health Authority requires 120 hours of didactic education and 40 hours of practicum. Our program is $45/hour.
Our goal is to get facilitators educated and licensed and working. I don't believe programs that take a longer period of time, meeting for a few hours a week, or a few hours a month, are better than Clinical Cognitive's program. Each school is meeting the mandated state curriculum requirements for licensure but have slightly different emphasis. This allows you, the student, to find the school that resonates with you.
The mental health catastrophe is not getting better. The failures of institutions to take action, the grip of Big Pharma on legislators is perpetuating the disaster. We need grassroots efforts to begin the healing. Clinical Cognitive can provide influence within its circle. Our graduates can continue the influence within their circles.
As service centers begin to get licensed, we need facilitators. We are proud that our graduates are some of the first in the state to be licensed.
We look forward to more licenses being granted and the lift off of the psilocybin space in Oregon!